Enchanted Objects and Ordinary Things

This new record Enchanted Objects and Ordinary Things is a song collection about items in our lives that hold special significance and even magical importance. Songs about existential loneliness, time and mortality, desire and fear, ignorance and greed, memory and loss, and a small dose of optimism for difficult times.

Featuring a handful of first call session players displaying their mastery on Cello, Violin, Harmonica, Flute, Trumpet, Flugelhorn, French Horn, Valve Trombone, and Tuba!

With Christian Nesmith Co-Writing, Producing, Mixing, Engineering, Performing and Mastering along with Circe Link Co-Writing, Mixing, Singing and Playing this record is full of rich vocal arrangements, jangly electric twelve string, acoustic guitar, and lyrics that will leave you thinking.

Black Balloons
Pocket Watch
The Sycamore Tree
Lost Keys
Vapor Light
Forbidden Fruit (In the Garden)
Old Photograph
Baby Bottle
Yellow Dress
Stars and Stripes

We are asking you to help us pre-fund this record by raising $3,500.00

$1000.00 for mastering
$1000.00 for shipping
$1500.00 for manufacturing

Pre sales from February 20th to March 16th
Release Date: March 31st 2017


Black Balloons $10.00 gets you a download!

Pocket Watch $20.00 one copy shipped to your door!

Lost Keys $35.00 one copy personalized and autographed shipped to you!

Old Photograph $50.00 one copy personalized and autographed
 shipped to you, your name in our thank you liner notes, a C&C Coffee Mug, a button, a sticker, and Random Act of Kindness seeds!

Baby Bottle $100.00 two copies personalized and autographed shipped to you, and your name in our thank you liner notes, 2 C&C Coffee Mug’s, buttons, stickers, and seeds, complete digital download of the Circe Link catalog!

Yellow Dress $250.00 two copies personalized and autographed
shipped to you, and your name in our thank you liner notes, a C&C Coffee Mug, buttons, stickers, and seeds, complete digital download of the Circe Link catalog, plus couch video request!

Sycamore Tree $1000.00 two copies personalized and autographed shipped to you, and your name in our thank you liner notes as an executive producer, two C&C Coffee Mug’s, buttons, stickers, seeds, complete digital download of the Circe Link catalog, and a couch video request!
*We reserve the right to ask for alternative songs, no Monkees, no Nez please.



We are fully funded as of March 16th thanks to your generous contributions!
Now we will begin making couch videos while we wait for the merchandise to be printed by the manufacturer.
Thank you again, for such warm and wonderful support in helping make this music something the whole world can hear.